A stack of boxes
Body, Heart, Mind, Soul

Subscription Boxes for Families or Children

You can purchase regular subscription boxes to suit a variety of needs, these days, including my LiFE Packs. Many subscription boxes are also available for families or children. I've won both a Secret Book Stuff book and a Socially Conscious Club Box, in the past. Secret Book Stuff send pre-loved gift books to a friend… Continue reading Subscription Boxes for Families or Children

Confetti with a sign "Birthday Celebrations During COVID-19

How to Celebrate a Birthday During COVID-19

My son turned 20 this week. He's a social person and had been hoping to have some of his mates over to help celebrate. That was before COVID-19 and we all had to practice social distancing & isolation. He was quite disappointed that he couldn't do anything for his birthday. So how can you celebrate… Continue reading How to Celebrate a Birthday During COVID-19