
EGG – Ethical Groceries Group

I've been purchasing fruit, vegetables and other groceries through EGG - Ethical Groceries Group, for about a year now. EGG is part of the ORCA Project which helps train and assist disabled young adults so they can enter the workforce. Part of an EGG - Ethical Groceries Group order This is my E post which… Continue reading EGG – Ethical Groceries Group

Letter D with words "10th Anniversary Blogging from A to Z April Challenge
Body, Heart, Mind

Daily Routines

Routines are important. Daily routines help us get through the day. Children thrive on routines. The predictability of knowing what comes next, that comes with daily routines helps them feel safe and secure. Adults also benefit from daily routines, as you don't have to think about what you're going to do next but can just… Continue reading Daily Routines

The letter 'C' with the words "10th Anniversary Blogging from A to Z April Challenge
Biscuits & Slices, Body

Cooking in Our New Kitchen

If you've been reading my blog in the last few months you'll know that we've been renovating. In the last 5 days or so we've been able to fully use our new kitchen. So today as part of the Blogging from A to Z April Challenge I'm talking about cooking in our new kitchen. Our… Continue reading Cooking in Our New Kitchen

letter A with words "10th Anniversary Blogging from A to Z April Challenge
Body, Recipes

A is for Apple (A to Z list of foods we can still eat)

Welcome to day one of the A to Z blogging Challenge. During April I'm going to be blogging through the alphabet. Since we deal with food intolerances in our house and that's how this blog started I thought I'd share an A to Z list of the foods we can still eat or foods that… Continue reading A is for Apple (A to Z list of foods we can still eat)