LiFE Packs Subscriptions


Per Month, cheaper the longer you subcribe for.

LiFE stands for Little Faith Experiences. They are packs that are designed for families to use together to engage the Bible and talk about faith.

Each monthly Pack will contain resources for 4/5 weekly family sessions (depending on the number of Sunday’s in the month).

Subscribe to LiFE Packs – Nominate how many months of LiFE Packs you want to Subscribe for and receive a discount the more you order!

Title Range Discount
3-5 Months Subcription 3 - 5 10%
6-11 Months Subsciption 6 - 11 20%
12-23 Months Subscription 12 - 23 25%
2-3 years Subscription 24 - 36 30%


What are LiFE Packs?

LiFE stands for Little Faith Experiences. They are packs that are designed for families to use together to engage the Bible and talk about faith.

Each monthly Pack will contain resources for 4/5 weekly family sessions (depending on the number of Sunday’s in the month).

What do the packs contain?

Each weekly resource set contains:

  • warm-up idea
  • a way to engage with the Bible story
  • discussion questions
  • an activity idea
  • a prayer idea
  • a blessing idea
  • an idea for during the week
    sample of what is contained in a weeks LiFE Packs resources
    An example of one weeks LiFE Packs Resource Sheet

    Most relevant materials are provided, for example craft or cooking materials.

    All Packs are Gluten & Dairy Free! If the pack includes a biscuit decoration or similar we’ll supply the decorations and you can supply biscuits that are suitable for your family to eat.

    Baby Jesus in a manger biscuit, an example of a cooking activity included in a LiFE Pack

    All families need to do is choose from the provided materials and use the materials together.

How do LiFE Packs Subscriptions work?

Simply choose how long you want to subscribe for and a discount will apply, depending on how long you choose to subscribe for.   Enter how many months you want to subscribe for in the quantity.  You’ll be charged for your first months pack at the checkout.  We’ll then invoice you for the rest of the months that you’ve subscribed for and you can choose to pay up front or for each month.  Each LiFE Pack will be shipped/delivered after that months payment is received.

Your subscription will start on the next month.  If ordered after the 20th of the month, we cannot guarantee that it will arrive in time to start on the first week of the month.  You can request for your subscription to start in the following month if you like.

When you subscribe for 3 months or more, we’ll contact you to get some details about your family so that we can add some specific things for your family.  Details will include the ages and birthdays of your children.  If your child’s birthday falls within the subscription period we’ll acknowledge the birthday in some way.

Free Personal Delivery in Brisbane

Postage charges will apply for those outside of Brisbane.

Digital LiFE Packs & Digital LiFE Pack Subscriptions

LiFE Packs are also available in Digital form and you can order Digital LiFE Pack Subscriptions which will be emailed to you each month for your nominated subscription period.

Subscribe today and save!


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