A stack of boxes
Body, Heart, Mind, Soul

Subscription Boxes for Families or Children

You can purchase regular subscription boxes to suit a variety of needs, these days, including my LiFE Packs. Many subscription boxes are also available for families or children. I've won both a Secret Book Stuff book and a Socially Conscious Club Box, in the past. Secret Book Stuff send pre-loved gift books to a friend… Continue reading Subscription Boxes for Families or Children

text "Feed My Family: body, mind, heart, soul" with a body cookie cutter, small green book, red heart & small wooden cross
Body, Heart, Mind, Soul

Feed the Family in Body, Mind, Heart & Soul During COVID-19

If you're a parent, then you're probably being bombarded with information from many sources about things you can do at home to entertain and educate your children, and so many other ideas. In this post I want to encourage you in each of the 4 main areas of my blog: body, mind, heart & soul.… Continue reading Feed the Family in Body, Mind, Heart & Soul During COVID-19

White Jesse Tree with coloured cardboard ornaments
Advent & Christmas, Soul

Advent Ideas for Families

Advent starts this Sunday 1 December and goes through until Christmas Eve. In this post I'm going to share advent ideas for families, that I've bookmarked and collated from around the web. Last year I shared Advent ideas for households and included a video that explains Advent. What is Advent? Advent is a time of… Continue reading Advent Ideas for Families

dairy free chocolate fudge arranged on a Christmas plate
Body, Heart, Soul

Dairy Free Chocolate Fudge

A number of years ago I bought a cookbook from a local MOPS group that had compiled it to sell for fundraising.  The leader who sold it to me marked the Wonderful Chocky Fudge recipe in the book by putting a heart around the page number.  I've adapted the recipe to make dairy free chocolate fudge. The… Continue reading Dairy Free Chocolate Fudge