Routines are important. Daily routines help us get through the day. Children thrive on routines. The predictability of knowing what comes next, that comes with daily routines helps them feel safe and secure. Adults also benefit from daily routines, as you don't have to think about what you're going to do next but can just… Continue reading Daily Routines
Category: Heart
A to Z Challenge 2019
I'm participating in the A to Z blogging challenge for the first time this year. The challenge is in it's 10th year. Every day in April, not counting Sundays, I'll add a new post going through the letters of the alphabet. Each of my posts will still fit the tagline of my blog and be… Continue reading A to Z Challenge 2019
Ideas for Celebrating Epiphany
Epiphany means "shining forth". The season of Epiphany goes from January 6 to Lent. Epiphany is one of the oldest Christian holidays, celebrated since the second century in the Eastern Church. Epiphany was a double celebration of the birth & the baptism of Jesus. The Western Church adapted the focus to the visit of the… Continue reading Ideas for Celebrating Epiphany
World Toilet Day
It's World Toilet Day every year on 19 November. World Toilet Day is about taking action to ensure that everyone has a safe toilet option by 2030, which is part of the United Nations Sustainable Goal 6: sanitation and water. The theme this year is "When Nature Calls" Here in Australia everyone should have access… Continue reading World Toilet Day
World Kindness Day
It's World Kindness Day, held on 13 November every year. Showing kindness doesn't have to be a big thing. It can be as simple as smiling at a stranger you pass in the street. It's about observing the world around you and seeing how you can show kindness to someone.  You might show kindness to… Continue reading World Kindness Day
3 Books That Have Enhanced Our Marriage
As we celebrate our 24th Wedding Anniversary today I thought I'd share 3 books that have helped in our marriage. The first 2 books go together - For Women Only by Shaunti Feldhahn and For Men Only by Shaunti & Jeff Feldhahn These books have been based on surveys taken of men and women from… Continue reading 3 Books That Have Enhanced Our Marriage
WordCamp Brisbane 2018
I attended my first WordCamp last weekend. WordCamp's happen all over the world and are for anyone using WordPress in any way; developers, web designers, copy writers, business owners, bloggers etc. Here's a bit about what happened at WordCamp Brisbane 2018 and what I learnt over the weekend: They asked for volunteers to help over… Continue reading WordCamp Brisbane 2018
Grandparents Day
In Australia, it's Grandparents Day this Sunday 28 October.  It's not a very big thing here but our church celebrated a few years ago by asking everyone to bring photos of their grandparents. Grandparents were invited to bring their grandchildren and grandchildren were invited to bring their grandparents. At the start of the service everyone… Continue reading Grandparents Day
5 Books That Influenced My Parenting
If you've been reading my blog for any time you'll have worked out that I love reading! I read many parenting books, especially when my children were younger. Here I've chosen 5 of these books that have influenced my parenting. Parenting in the Pew: Guiding Your Children into the Joy of Worship by Robbie Castleman… Continue reading 5 Books That Influenced My Parenting
Connect for Life: Dinner at Mum & Dad’s
It's World Mental Health Day today and also Queensland Mental Health Week. The theme for 2018 is to value mental health with six steps: 1. Be active – Physical activities like walking can positively influence the way you think, feel and function. 2. Keep learning – Our well-being can improve by taking up a new… Continue reading Connect for Life: Dinner at Mum & Dad’s