Here’s the books that I read in October. They are all novels and most of them were read when we were at Caloundra on holidays.

The Beautiful Mother by Katherine Scholes
Set in the early 70’s in an archaeologist’s camp in Tanzania where Essie Lawrence lives with husband and mother-in-law. She encounters some people from the Hadza tribe and they ask her to care for a baby girl until they can return for her. By agreeing to do this she’s putting her marriage and her career at risk. This book really showed the Western Worlds views on raising a baby at the time, as compared to the tribal way. It also brought up memories for Essie of her mother and her first home on the island of Tasmania.
The Moments by Natalie Winter
Matthew and Myrtle are meant to be together but will they ever find each other? The only book I’ve ever read that follows the two main characters from birth to death. Each short chapter focused on either Matthew or Myrtle and they slowly aged with each chapter. You learnt more of their story as some chapters filled in more of the past depending on the other characters involved in that chapter.
Wartime at Liberty’s by Fiona Ford
Set in London during World War II, Flo Canning receives the news that her husband has been killed. She’s also still recovering from the loss of her aunt who raised her. Flo throws herself into the role of fabric manager at Liberty’s and her friends help rally around her. The arrival of Henry Masters, new deputy store manager, impacts Flo’s live as well.
The Long Road Home by Fiona McCallum
Alice Hamilton is enjoying her new life in Ballarat now that she’s severed ties with her controlling mother. She’s enjoying her job in a law firm and is looking forward to her legal studies. Meanwhile back in Hope Springs her former husband Rick is learning things which start to make him see why he didn’t feel the connection to the land, like a third generation farmers son should. Rick and Alice have reconnected a few months early and Rick is going to need Alice’s friendship.
An Uncommon Woman by Nicole Alexander
Inspired by a real newspaper story from 1930. Set in Western Queensland in 1929 where a young woman Edwina Baker feels trapped on the family farm. She defies her fathers orders and sneaks into town, dressed as a boy, to see the circus. She meets two men, Mason the pastoralist with his modern city friends and labourer, Will. This one night and the encounters will alter the course of her life but how much is Edwina prepared to risk?
What have you been reading lately?
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