I had a bit more reading time this month as we went away for about 10 days before Christmas. So here’s what I read this month:
Come Rain or Come Shine by Jan Karon
The second last book in the Mitford Series. Father Tim Kavanagh’s adopted son, Dooley has finished vet school, has bought the farm from the family friend who he used to work with most holidays, has opened his own vetinary clinic and is preparing to marry Lace.
To Be Where You Are by Jan Karon
The final book in the Mitford series. Newly married Dooley & Lace face a crisis that empties their bank account. They are also preparing to adopt Jack, the boy they’ve been fostering. Meanwhile Father Tim is enjoying his retirment and preparing to go on a trip with Cynthia.
The Liverpool Matchgirl by Lyn Andrews
In Liverpool, 1901 Lizzie and her family move yet again. Soon afterwards she is left parentless. The neighbours in her new house help out. Even thought she’s only 13, Lizzie gets a job in a match factory and is eventually adopted by the foreman, which leads to a better life.
A Distant Journey by Di Morrissey
From the late 1950’s to the early 1990’s this story takes you from Palm Springs, California to outback Australia. Cindy meets Murray when he is travelling to America and after marrying on impulse they return to his family sheep property. She is not welcomed by her father-in-law but takes to living on the land despite natural disasters and the up’s and downs of the wool industry. I worked on a sheep and cattle property in 1992, so could relate to some of this story.
The House on Sunset Lake by Tasmina Perry
Jim helps find and turn valuable properties into luxury hotels. His boss asks him to turn Casa D’Or (a Southern American house that has been in the one family for generations) into a luxury hotel. Jim spent a summer there twenty years earlier and doesn’t really want to dig up the past.
The Love of a Family by Rebecca Shaw
Myra & Graham lead a neat, predictable life partly because they’ve never had children after some early miscarriages. Suddenly their world changes when Graham’s brother dies and they adopt his 2 nephews.
A Mercy by Toni Morrison
Set in the 1680’s in America. Jacob a trader takes Florens, a slave girl as part payment for a bad debt. In each chapter you hear part of the story from a different characters point of view.
The Second Half by Lauraine Snelling
Mona & Ken are making plans for their furture as Ken is about to retire. Then their son who is a Special Forces Officer, as well as a single father is deployed. Mona & Ken’s plans change as they take on the full-time care of their grandchildren while their son is deployed.
Children’s Spirituality: what it is and why it matters by Rebecca Nye
Rebecca Nye is a leading expert in the field. This book has a good balance of theory along with good ideas to put into practice. I read this book as part of some study that I’m doing.
The Spiritual Guidance of Children: Montessori, Godly Play, and the Future by Jerome W. Berryman
Written by one of the founders of Godly Play. I learnt a little about Montessori education during teacher training but I learnt a lot more from this book. Godly Play uses Montessori methods to help children learn about God. I also read this book as part of my study.
Chase the Lion: If Your Dream Doesn’t Scare You, It’s Too Small by Mark Batterson
I’ve enjoyed and been challenged by other Mark Batterson books I’ve read. He tells great stories with great messages. This book was equally challenging and I want to read it again, to take more in. From the blurb “… This is a wake-up call to stop living as if the purpose of life was to simply arrive safely at death. Our dreams should scare us. They should be so big that without God they would be impossible to achieve. …”
The Boy Who Runs: The Odyssey of Julius Achon by John Brant
This is the story of Ugandan Julius Achon who was kidnapped from his village, along with a number of other boys, to be trained as a boy soldier. He escapes and then becomes a middle distance runner, eventually making it to the US to be trained. He eventually helps Uganadan orphans. I bought this book after hearing Eloise Wellings speak about her story as an athlete, meeting Julius and starting the Love Mercy Foundation which supports the work of Julius Achon and other projects in Uganda.
With a total of 12 books read this month that brings my total to 65 read during 2018. This is 6 more books than last year. What have you been reading lately?

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