Words "Share Four Somethings 2022 something Loved Something Gleaned Something Brave Something Achieved
Heart, Mind, Soul

Share Four Somethings March 2022

Here’s my post for the Share Four Somethings March 2022 link-up.  In the last couple of months I’ve also matched these four somethings to my blog tagline – body, mind, heart and soul.  This month, I’m not going to do that as a few of the things don’t necessarily fit into one area. Something Loved… Continue reading Share Four Somethings March 2022

Mother, son & daughter singing while son plays ukulele. Words "The Power of Songs of Faith"
Heart, Mind, Soul

The Power of Songs of Faith

The other day I went to shut our front sliding door, so that it wasn’t so wide open!  Then this song of faith from my childhood became stuck in my head, – Wide, Wide as the Ocean.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9KnSK680yg Wide, Wide as the Ocean Of course I had to find a version with actions.    Wide,… Continue reading The Power of Songs of Faith

Body, Heart, Mind, Soul

Share Four Somethings February 2022

Each month I'm trying to participate in the Share Four Somethings 2022 link-up. I'm using the share four somethings categories of something love, something gleaned, something braved and something achieved. I'm also matching each category to a part of my tagline - body, mind, heart and soul. Here's my post for the Share Four Somethings… Continue reading Share Four Somethings February 2022

Body, Heart, Mind, Soul

Share Four Somethings January 2022

Each month I’m going to try and participate in this Share Four Somethings 2022 link-up.  Though I planned to do that last year & only managed it once.  The four something each month this year are something loved, something gleaned, something braved, something achieved.  Each month I think I’ll try and match it to my… Continue reading Share Four Somethings January 2022

Pumpkins with text "Alternative Ways to Celebrate Halloween"
Parenting, Soul

What are Some Alternative Ways To Celebrate Halloween?

When I was growing up Halloween celebrations were something that we only saw on American movies. Even when my kids were growing up very few people did trick or treating in our neighbourhood. Though one year I was taken by surprise when a young girl knocked on the door & was trick or treating. I… Continue reading What are Some Alternative Ways To Celebrate Halloween?

basket with bunny cookies and coloured eggs, with words "Continue the Easter Celebration for 50 Days"

How to Continue the Easter Celebration For 50 days

No, I don't mean eat chocolate for 50 days! Though you might choose to celebrate that way 🙂 Did you know that the season of Easter or Eastertide goes for 50 days? Easter Sunday is just the start of the Easter season. (Just as Christmas Eve is the start of the 12 day Christmas season.)… Continue reading How to Continue the Easter Celebration For 50 days