
September Reading Log

It’s almost half through October but I’ve only just got to writing my September reading log now.

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In September I managed to read 5 books:

What is the Bible?  How an Ancient Library of Poems, Letters, and Stories Can Transform the Way You Think and Feel About Everything by Rob Bell

The full title says it all really.  Rob Bell reminds us that the Bible is not a Christian book & in fact is a library of books, reminding us that Jesus was Jewish and explores why what is written in the Bible was important enough to record at the time & in the places it was recorded.  And ultimately how what was recorded thousands of years ago is relevant for us today.   From the blurb on the inside of the jacket cover “…When considering a passage, Bell explains the worst question we can ask of a text (‘Why did God …?) and the best question to ask (‘Why did people find this important to write down?) to get at how scripture can best guide us today.  … What is the Bible? recaptures this ancient library’s subversive energy and reaffirms its enduring ability to inspire and shape our lives today.”  We are currently discussing this book in the Bible Study group that I’m a part of & looking at some of the passages from the Bible, that are explored in the book.  I highly recommend this book for anyone who wants to know more about the Bible.

Our Global Families: Christians Embracing Common Identity in a Changing World by Todd M. Johnson and Cindy M. Wu

This book talks about how as Christians we are all part of a global Christian family but ultimately we are all part of a global human family.  Christians are supposed to be united but yet we keep making more and more denominations, in fact there are now more than 45 000 Christian denominations around the world.  Often white, western Christians have imposed their version of Christianity on other cultural groups.  A quote from p15 “The foundation for our unity as Christians throughout the world is not our likeness but our diversity.  The unanswered question for Christians … is how well we will work, minister, and grow together as a family in the context of this astonishing diversity.”  Together with a quote from p56 “Christians are at the same time part of a common humanity.  While embracing a global Christian identity as primary is essential for unity among Christians, a common-humanity identity is key for solidarity with others.”  The book gives practical ways that we can work with our fellow human beings.  One final quote from p160, from a Jewish perspective “According to Rabbi Sacks, Judaism’s ultimate purpose is to honor the image of God in other people and thus turn the world into a home for the divine presence. … Rabbi Sacks points out that the Bible is unequivocal in its emphasis on responsibility to humanity.  Its message is that serving God and serving our fellow human beings are inseparably linked.”  A great but challenging read, with practical ideas as well.

And then 3 novels to finish of the month:

Reunion by Lauraine Snelling

A book about an upcoming family reunion but then a secret is uncovered & others in the family are going through difficult situations, what does this mean for the family?  I have read many of Lauraine Snellings books including many of her 5 series of books that follow the Bjorkland family over many, many years.

A Little Love by Amand Prowse

From the blurb on the back cover “Pru Plum is the celebrated owner of a famous Mayfair bakery. … Few would believe that this elegant woman turned sixty-six last year.  … She has done some shameful things to get where she is today.  And she will do anything to protect the secrets of her past – especially when, for the first time in her life, she has finally fallen in love …”  A good read with a few twists along the way.

The Quaryman’s Bride by Tracie Peterson

I have read many of Tracie Peterson’s books and this one seemed familiar at the beginning but I couldn’t remember what happened. So I’m not 100% sure if I’ve read it before or not.  Set in the late 1800’s in Minnesota, Emmalyne is engaged to be married but her sisters are killed so her father expects her to stay unmarried to look after her parents in her old age.  What happens about 10 years later when she meets her ex-fiance?  Another of Tracie Peterson’s very interesting historical fiction novels.

So with 5 books read in September that brings my total to 42 books for the year so far.

What have you been reading lately?

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