As we were away for almost a week in November I managed to finish a few more books then last month. Below is my reading log for November:

A Spark of Light by Jody Picoult
As always a great thought provoking read from Jodi Picoult. This is the story of a gunman who bursts into a women’s health center. We learn the story of those in the center, the police negotiator and others, as the story starts at the end of the day and moves back in time. An honest and thought provoking look at the complicated issue of the rights of pregnant women and rights of the unborn they carry, from different perspectives.
Under Currents by Nora Roberts
Two people meet up whose lives have both been affected by abuse in their past. One from abusive parents and one from an abusive husband. Can they move on from their past or will the past come back to hunt them? A great read from Nora Roberts.
The Inheritance by Michael Phillips
Mainly set in the tiny Shetlands Island of Whales Reef. With the death of the clan patriarch many assume that his grand-nephew will be the heir. However when there is no will the estates assets are frozen while they work out who is the rightful heir. As it is the first in a series it finished without there being a full conclusion, so now I’m going to have to read the rest of the series.
My Mother’s Shadow by Nikola Scott
After her mother’s death a stranger approaches Addie, claiming to be her sister. Addie thought she knew her mother but did she really? The story went between the present day and her mother’s old journals. A page turner as you wanted to know what had happened.
How to Build and Online Business: Australia’s Top Digital Disruptors Reveal Their Secrets for Launching and Growing an Online Business by Bernadette Schwerdt
An Australian book and it covered the topic very thoroughly. It featured case studies from Australia’s most successful digital disrupters. Though I think I would have like to hear more of their stories. It was a very practical book that you could follow to build an online business from scratch.
So with 5 book finished in November that brings my total to 43 books for the year so far. What have you been reading lately?
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