Last week was a fairly big week, baking wise.
I made No-Bake Walnut Cookies (which are stored in the freezer), raw brownie bites (don’t tell my husband what’s in them!), apple cinnamon muffins, Banana Blueberry Buckwheat Muffins (the recipe uses raspberries but I used blueberries instead), my version of My Kind of Bliss Bliss Balls, chocolate slice and passionfruit slice. The passionfruit slice was an old recipe that I haven’t used in a long time as it isn’t gluten free. I used tapioca flour & coconut flour to make it gluten free.
For breakfast I made an apple, almond & cinnamon chia pudding which lasted for a few days, served with some nut granola I had made the week before.

For my sons lunches I made nacho scrolls with leftover Tric’s mince and scroll dough. He also took a version of caesar salad a couple of days with the leftover chicken schnitzel.
For dinners we had:
Monday – Tric’s Minice – a nacho style mince
Tuedsay – GF pancakes for shrove Tuesday using an adapted version of my GF pancake

recipe. These worked well and they were all gone. I’ll have to make them again soon.
Wednesday – Chicken Schnitzel
Thursday – Dinner at Mum & Dad’s – marinated chicken & vegies
Friday – French Onion Steak
Saturday – Mexican Meatballs
Sunday – Lasagna – all homemade including GF lasagna sheets, homemade tomato puree & homemade almond milk to make the cheese sauce. It was the first time I have made my own pasta and will definitely do this again. We rarely have lasagna as I can’t buy any lasgana sheets that both my husband and son can eat.

What have you been cooking or baking this week?