We don’t always celebrate as a couple on valentine’s day. Over the years I’ve tried to cook something special for the family. One year I made a heart shaped hazelnut & chocolate torte. Another year I did a heart shaped dinner which included heart shaped rissoles & vegies, along with chocolate custard (made from the torte recipe) served in heart shaped dishes. This post contains food and other ideas to help celebrate valentine’s day as a family.
Explore the Story of St Valentine & the History of Valentine’s Day
- Watch the Godly Play Story of St Valentine or tell your own version
- 22 Fascinating Valentine’s Day Facts That Will Probably Surprise You
Sweet Treats

- Chocolate Brownies in heart shaped muffin tins (GF & DF)
- Chocolate Fudge Hearts with Raspberry Swirl Topping (GF, grain free & DF)
- Heart shaped shortbread (GF & DF & Egg free) or other heart shaped biscuit
- Heart Shaped Crunchy Quinoa Biscuits (GF & DF options)
- Gluten Free Coconut Eclairs from Against the Grain Cookbook (I put real cream in mine but there is a recipe for dairy free pastry cream using coconut cream)

- Heart shaped food
- Family’s favourite meal
- Eggs cooked in heart shaped “rings”
- 30 Valentine’s Day School Gift Ideas For Kids (I personally don’t think you need to get your kids to gift to every child in their class but there are some good ideas that you could gift to your children or family)
- Add heart shaped love notes to your children’s door for the next week or so. #mopslovechallenge2022 – Get some inspiration from this post.
Or you could just simply share what you appreciate about each other over breakfast or dinner.
Do you celebrate Valentine’s Day with your family & if so how do you celebrate?